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Perfect Strip Steak, Cauliflower, & Asparagus

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Adjust Servings:
2 large strip steak
sprinkle himalayan sea salt
sprinkle peppercorn medley
1 bunch trimmed asparagus
cauliflower recipe
2 T balsamic glaze
sprinkle garlic
sprinkle lemon pepper
2 T olive oil
2-3 T truffle butter Wegmans has a great selection of finishing butters

Nutritional information

Perfect Strip Steak, Cauliflower, & Asparagus


    Seared steak served with balsamic asparagus and roasted cauliflower. Dinner of champions!

    • Serves 4
    • Medium




    Yo! So we had this steak dinner last night and it was “wear your drawstring pants, lie back on the couch yumoliscious” – while someone else does the dishes.  Surprising enough, the roasted and stuffed cauliflower stole the show (for my recipe, click link). Even if you hate the vegetable, you it to plants everywhere to try this gem. What are you waiting for? Get going!

    I do not make steak as much as I used to. For budget and health reasons, I think its best to have it once in awhile. I crave iron from the bypass surgery so I try to eat spinach instead of drooling over the Wegmans meat case like a vampire who hasn’t fed in 2 weeks. I wanted to splurge a bit and make the boys their favorite. This!

    In my attempt to find the perfect strip steak, I believe I found the end of the internet.  Many chefs and bloggers sear their steak and then put it in the oven to finish. I’ve tried that but I really do think strip is more flavorful if you keep it in a cast iron skillet, flipping it every minute until the desired internal temperature.

    The secrets and things to remember if nothing else:

    1. Start with red meat that is room temperature
    2. Sear your steak on all sides to create crust
    3. Rest! That steak has been through a lot to get to your plate but before its devoured you must let it rest for at least 8 minutes. What the hell for, you ask? Well let me tell you. As the steak cooks in the pan the juices get flowing all throughout the meat. If you take it out and cut it, that juicy “make me a vampire” blood will run all into your plate, leaving you with a chewy not so juicy poor little piece of meat.
    4. Cut meat on the diagonal (a bias) against the grain. This preserves the integrity of the meat and keeps it from being a chewfestival.
    5. Always exchange fancy meals and your hard work for a foot massage from resident of choice.

    I will be honest with you. I think if you cook steak medium to well done, you should really EAT CHICKEN! Strip is so juicy and flavorful. Why would you want to dishonor that cow’s life by not enjoying this hunk of lovemeat by overcooking it and drying it out.

    If you must, you must. I can let you slide this once! 😉 But I’m sure not going to give you instructions on how to destroy meat.  Now on to the recipe for this scrumptious meal.

    For an extra awesome finishing touch, use truffle or garlic butter to baste the steak in while its cooking the last minute or so. NOM NOM NOM!

    Do you social? Me too! 

    Make this, take a photo, and on da GRAM – #SOLTOcrew AND don’t forget to @sanityorlackthereof | Find more from SOLTO on Pinterest and join my crazy wack cookery community on Facebook. Glad you came to party!



    Prepare your favorite red meat marinade and soak steaks overnight (minimum 4 hours). No marinade? Try a cheap beer, some worstershire, minced garlic, italian seasonings, and peppercorn.


    Mis en place - Get all ingredients, pans, cutting board, etc. Your arsenal needs to be ready so you dont find yourself scrambling for one ingredient at a time. Cooking is a timing thang.


    Preheat oven to 400F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. If you are preparing the roasted cauliflower, follow that recipe from here.


    Place skillet on high heat. It will take about 5 minutes to truly get the cast iron to seriously HOT. Run your steaks with olive or avocado oil and sprinkle with S&P.


    Add 1 T of oil into cast iron pan and let it heat up a bit.


    Trim asparagus. Pour the oil and balsamic glaze onto the asparagus and roll them around on eachother to evenly coat. Lay them out on the baking sheet and sprinkle with garlic powder, lemon pepper, and italian seasonings. Put in over and bake for 12-15 minutes.
    If you want a slight crunch, bake these green beauties for 10-12. 15 for softer. 18 for green soup!

    If making the cauliflower mentioned above, add the asparagus to the cawliflower when the cauliflower has that amount of time left to roast.


    Back to the steaks! Sear the steak on all sides. 2 minutes per side should result in a nice dark brown crust. Turn the heat down to medium high and continue to cook the steaks for 6-7 minutes, flipping every minute for even cook. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Once mine reach 125-130F, thats when I pull them and wrap in tin foil to rest.


    Optional: Finishing butter. When the steaks are about 2 minutes from doneness, but 2-3 T of finishing butter in pan and use a spoon to baste over and over again until steaks are done.


    Serve sliced cauliflower steak and lay asparagus on top perpendicular to the cauliflower. Stagger sliced steak on top.

    Snarf down with a glass of shiraz to complete the experience!


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