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Cilantro Lime Crema

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1 medium container, light sour cream whole 30 sub can of coconut cream
1 bunch cilantro
1 t cumin
juice of 1 lime
1 T chalulah to taste
1 T honey

Cilantro Lime Crema

Whole 30 Version too!

Cool off the hot & spicy by adding this silky smooth crema.

  • Easy




I could no joke put this on a flip flop and be as happy as a pig in sh*t! The end.

Well, that was colorful but accurate.

This is so versatile and really tastes good on so much it is too much to list. If you make a mexican or thai dish too spicy, this is the perfect sauce to whip up to cool things done to tolerable.

I buy cheap restaurant style sauce bottles to keep my sauces in. If they get clogged from any hunks of cilantro, you can cut more of the tip off to make the hole bigger.

If you own a Nutribullet, use it for your sauces. It minces it way smaller and makes the sauce thin enough to come out of the bottle with ease.  However your food processor or blender will work, you may have to either process it for a longer time or cut the top of the bottle off to make the opening wider.

Click on the images below to whisked away to choose your weapons and say goodbye to the things that take too long in the kitchen. Bye bye time killers. Also, make sure to check out a comprehensive list of the coolest weapons and gifts for the crazy foodie in your life by visiting the MustHaves page.


cilantro lime cremaWhole 30 version. No problemo. Sub a can of full fat or light coconut cream. IF you are making a big batch, use two cans. Also, no honey. You can try subbing 2 dates into thee Nutribullet. Nom!

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Make this, take a photo, and on da GRAM – #SOLTOcrew AND don’t forget to @sanityorlackthereof | Find more from SOLTO on Pinterest and join my crazy wack cookery crew on Facebook. Glad you came to party!

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Until we eat again…



Add all ingredients to a food processor or Nutribullet and pulso as finely as possible. Poor into a measuring cup with a spout. Pour sauce slowly into a squeezy bottle and store in firgerator for up to a week. My bet is that it doesnt last that long!


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